Alm uft tutorial
Alm uft tutorial

alm uft tutorial alm uft tutorial


Install and Run Caffeine.exe on the VM to keep the screen unlocked. For instance, if you want to execute all the test sets under a folder, you can just specify the test set folder only in the command line.ģ. It is recommended to read the word document for the executable to fully understand what it can do. To download the tool and learn the syntax to call that executable, please refer to the blog below and credit goes to Joe Colantonio. Install RunTestSet.exe and Schedule it via Windows Task Scheduler. PowerShell – command set-executionpolicy remotesignedĢ.


In addition, please run the following code via command line as suggested by Arnon, if you have never executed any PowerShell scripts before. Note that in order to run the PowerShell scripts on the VM, you will need the local admin access. Detailed steps can be found here and credit goes to Arnon Axelrod. The trick is to keep the RDP session open when you close the RDP window and keep the VM logged in as yourself. VM on a server is a good idea to replace a physical PC.

  • An unofficial executable(RunTestSet.exe) from HP to run a test set via command line.
  • A free tool that keeps your screen unlocked: Caffeine, for example.
  • A couple of PowerShell scripts and local admin access to execute them.
  • A Virtual Machine(VM) with UFT and ALM client installed.
  • Ingredients to Make All Your Wishes Come True
  • Email notification from ALM is not triggered when the test is started by API.
  • Test results cannot be automatically stored in ALM after UFT scripts are executed locally via command line.
  • ALM has the option to schedule a test but user has to click the Run button every time to trigger the execution.
  • Therefore, the host has to get a screen even it is a VM.
  • UFT has to get an active screen to interact with the application/system.
  • In other words, I do not want to monitor the UFT automation script running via physical screen or RDP session.


    Now I want to schedule them to run overnight for a recent release.ģ.I want to drive a UFT script from ALM but I do not have a PC sitting in the corner to use as the host.Ĥ.I just want to click a button and run the UFT script from ALM then check the results later. Now I want them to be executed every week/day automatically.Ģ.I have several UFT regression test scripts stored on ALM. 1.I have a UFT regression test script stored on ALM.

    Alm uft tutorial